Bin location system check (Beas)

Inventory > Warehouse Management > Bin location system check (Beas)

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After a crash of the system, or in case of differences in bin location tables, bin location stock can be restored based on the goods movement protocol  via the "System Check".

The system check program analyses and repairs inventory based on bin transactions (beas_whsbinjournal). First, the journal is checked for negative entries and if necessary, counter entries are created, setting the balance to 0.


The following is checked:

- Status and quantities in "open documents"

- Stock in bins

- All empty entries are deleted

- General clean up of bin location tables


All corrections are logged in the Beas protocol. After running the system check, it is recommended to:


- view the protocol

- bin location: process open documents

- bin location master data > right-click > correction: check the differences and correct them if necessary.


A system check is only required if, after the processing of open documents, there are still differences between SBO stock and BEAS bin stock. Before starting the check,  keep only those documents open that cannot be processed due to stock differences.


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