Item version – Status - Release management


The release administration on item version level occurs in the status administration.

Use the status administration to manage releases on item level. It can be defined whether the bill of materials, routings and work orders can be changed.



PATH: Item master data for XXX > Master data tab > header: double-click "I-Version" yellow arrow > double-click "Status" yellow arrow.


Window artikel_version_status_edit.psr


The list can be customized using window settings and templates. The authorization to Item version – Status is necessary in order to edit the settings.




Unique identifier. This should be a descriptive name.


Long description of the status.


If the status is in use, this can no longer be changed.


Defines whether the item version should be released when this status is used.

Yes / No / None change are selectable.


Defines whether the item version should be blocked when this status is used.

Yes / No / None change are selectable.

Sales, sales order, delivery note, invoice

Defines if a sales order, a delivery note or an invoice may be created for this item version.

Purchase order, delivery note, invoice

Defines if a purchase order, a delivery note or an invoice may be created for this item version.

I-Version changeable

If this option is deactivated, the stored routing cannot be changed. But the fields in the item version are still changeable.

Create work order

hmtoggle_plus1 Defines if a work order may be created for this item version

If this option is enabled, a work order can be created for this item version.

If this option is disabled, then the work order cannot be created manually. When creating the work order through an automated process (MRP, Data Integration Hub, Beas script) the work order is created, but in a blocked status.


The blocking can be avoided by using Production types eg. for a sample production.


Defines whether the item version may be reserved for a sales order or work order.

Issue work order

Defines whether if the item version may be issued for a work order.

Material planning

Defines whether the item version is to be considered in material planning. If a work order has already been created, this option affects the same option in the work order position. See Update Status. Yes/No/None change are selectable.


Default work order

Define which options are transferred to the work order position, after a work order was created.

Login to work order

Defines whether  order time receipts may be created for this item version. This option affects the same option in the work order position. See Update Status. Yes/No/None change are selectable.

Material posting

Defines whether material postings may be created for this item version. This option affects the same option in the work order position. See Update Status. Yes/No/None change are selectable.

Capacity planning

Defines whether the item version is to be considered in capacity planning (APS). This option affects the same option in the work order position. See Update Status. Yes/No/None change are selectable.

Work order approved

Defines whether for this item version the work order position may be approved. This option affects the same option in the work order position. See Update Status. Yes/No/None change are selectable.

Work order Change allowed

Defines whether for this item version, changes may be executed  in the work order. This option affects the same option in the work order position. See Update Status. Yes/No/None change are selectable.

Status Update

If this is active, the above mentioned options are updated immediately in all work order positions where this item version is stored, as soon as this status is selected.


PATH: Item master data for XXX > Master data tab > header: double-click "I-Version" yellow arrow > double-click "Status" tool-auswahl.


Window: artikel_version_status_edit, artikel_version_status_browse
beas 9.1 PL: 08


Note: An automated change of item version status can be controlled by Beas script. For example, if after creating a new version, the old one is set to inactive automatically.


See Beas script documentation.

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