External operation goods receipt

Administration > System Initialization > Configuration Wizard > Production > External production > External operation goods receipt

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PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Configuration wizard > Production > External production.



Stock undercut

The quantity stored on the external warehouse of the supplier will be checked here.

Allow: you can create purchase orders in case there are not enough provision parts
Block: PO-Goods receipt is blocked if not enough goods

At the setting "Block", no purchase - goods receipt is possible, if the there stored good is insufficient.


Note: Not assigned material will be backflushed at the same time, if it is the last operation.

(beas 9.1 PL: 08 ext_retrabchk, Default "L=Lock")

Issue provision

Open issue screen manually: manual issue via menu item: "issue provision parts"

Open issue screen immediately: the issue screen is opened immediately. If several documents are opened at once, the following order applies: goods receipt – issue – goods receipt – issue.
If the process is canceled, an open process will be available under menu item: "issue provision parts"

Issue automatically: goods are backflushed immediately after goods receipt following the rules defined in Configuration wizard > Material posting > backflushing.  Use this option if working without batches, serial numbers, bin locations and reservation.

If the process is canceled, it is available as open process under menu item "Issue provision parts"



External operation - goods receipt and Material issue are separate processes, executed independently of each other, even if they are executed automatically one followed by the other .


If the Issue process is canceled, the goods receipt cannot be deleted automatically or undone.



Goods receipt external operation

Production – Material issue(ext_issuewindow, default=N=manually)

Max. purchase order quantity

Active: (Standard): No more than the purchase order quantity can be received.
Inactive: Any quantity can be posted in. Note: Once the default quantity has been exceeded, the purchase order will be closed automatically. Another partial receipt is then not possible.

(ext_checkmaxorderqty, default=J =Yes)

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?fremdfertigung_wareneingang.htm