WO reservation of serial numbers

Production > Work order general > WO structure > WO Structure Material postings > Serial Number Reservation > WO reservation of serial numbers

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If serial number reservation is enabled, or a reservation was entered manually, reserved serial numbers are displayed below the assembly.


On first level only the number of reserved serial numbers is displayed.




xx Serial numbers reserved.


Expanding the first level, the single numbers are displayed:




(without red check marks): serial numbers reserved, but not yet posted in and linked.


(with red check marks): serial numbers already posted in.


The material that was linked to the serial number is displayed below.

Serial number administration

By double-clicking, an administration screen opens providing the following options:

- Change serial numbers manually (only if not booked)

- Delete serial numbers (only if not booked)

- Insert new reserved Serial number

Already posted entries are displayed in gray. They cannot be changed or deleted.



The system does not check if the entry is correct. If you insert an existing serial number, which is on stock, it will produce an error message in the receipt document.


Access: You need rights for Managing time receipts (FAVERWALTEN)



Serial number reservation.

Configuration wizard Material Backflushing Serial numbers,

Serial number tracing

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?fert_ftpos_reservierung_browse.htm