WO structure operation

Production > Work order general > WO structure > WO structure operation

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Lower level in work order, entries in green.



If the work order position has been closed, or "Allow changes" was disabled, or authorizations are missing, all editing functions are disabled.


Right-click on operation



Operation edit

The currently selected operation is edited.

Create Operation

Insert new operation.

Operation delete

Deletes the operation.

Create Time Receipt

Creates an FDC time receipt.

consider number of days

Defines the number of calendar days that are used when displaying resource utilization for the current view without changing the standard setting.

After reopening the window, the system returns to the standard setting.

Dispatches graphical view

Displays the graphical overview on utilization.


Shows all planned time reservations for this resource. The reservations are deposited behind the operation.

Search for structure

see above.


Click an entry to edit.


If a tool is assigned to the operation, it is displayed below.







Reference: receipt from production is linked to a sales order or to a WO item.


Tool with enabled switch determines lead time.


Parallel operation.


Alternative resource.


Alternative operation sequence with alternative resource.


Right-click on tool



Edit operation position

Edit currently selected operation.

Modify tool

Open tool master data.

Activate tool

Activate or de-activate the tool. All rules are considered as:

- determines lead time

- only one tool active

See Tool management.


Note: If there are several tool entries which affect lead time, only one tool can be activated. In case of activation, all time values stored in the tool are transferred to the routing position. Empty values in operation are not changed.


Tool entries without the "determine lead time" feature enabled can be activated in parallel.


User events

With the following Userevents you can manipulate the bahavior:

windowevent pretoolactivate before activation/De-activation. The process is canceled with "return failure". In variable "e_activ" you can store whether the toll will be activated (=1) or de-activated (=0).


Only user "manager" is allowed to change:

windowevent pretoolactivate
if <currentuser> <> manager then
  return failure
end if
end event



windowevent posttoolactivate is called after the process.


The structure view is dynamic, depending on the function (BOM, material postings, QC-order) different information is displayed. But the column header remains the same.

Operations are displayed in green. See overview on operation types


The following information is displayed in the line of an operation:



Sales order

Icon Operation type right to it position number, resource ID.


Activity description.


Start of processing time (without idle time, transfer).


End of processing time.

Colors: Date gray: operation already closed or outside the period

          Date red: operation in the past (too late) WO will not be finished in time


Calculate from the total-required quantity * labor time + Setup time. Already reported amounts or times will not be pulled off.


The unit of time to be displayed is adjustable in the Configuration wizard.


Already reported times.

Drawing number

Shows dispatches of the related resource.


Reported yield and scrap quantity for this position.

For external operations the sum of all goods receipts is displayed.

Match code

Pool info: active or inactive. "Optional" for operations which do not need to be reported.


Below the operation several changes can be displayed.


Right-click above in the window (below the title line) opens the window settings for the structure view. See Configuration of WO structure view.

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?fa_struktur_arbeitsgang.htm