Event sequence

Administration > System Initialization > Report settings > Macros > Macro Definition > Event sequence

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This chapter describes the exact event sequence in a macro.

All green entries can be manipulated directly.


Start macro

Saving the environment (variables)

Variable macroid with the macro number

Variable macrostartas with the macro type (fax, email, preview, print, Word, PDF ..)

Setting the 4 possible parameters as per the window object description (for definition of sales/purchase documents)

Deleting the global header functions

Window definition object: Call window-related script

Macro start script. Cancellation option with return failure.

 Among other things, the global functions can be set here, which are then called.

If API is stored: API script (e.g. creation of entry in beas_document_header/line)


user-definable function




Loop SQL header query execute - as per macro setting (any SQL instruction).

 This can also have been defined in advance using the variable report_loopscript

Variable query as per macro header.

Variable query as per API




LOOP SQL header query

 Transfer of all results of the SQL instruction to the variable system, prefix is e_,

 e.g. the result column "itemcode" is stored in variable e_itemcode




 Loop macrostep

         resetting of global macro step functions

         Active script. "return failure can be used for canceling

         Start Script. "return failure can be used for canceling

                 The global macro step function can also be defined here, for example.

         Definition MacrostepSQL query


         Variable query as per macrostep


         If Crystal

         setting variables: parameterrequest, externreport, connectverify as per macrostep setting

         Open Report

         set database connection

         If beas form

         Setting all variables. Variable s_parm1, s_parm2 ..., c_parm1, c_parm2 .. are transferred to the structure variable

                 str_parm.s_parm1, s_parm2 ... . Variable beginning with "var_" are transferred to the variable system

                 without "var_" to the target window.

         Open window. Continue to next macrostep.



         Loop macrostep SQL query

                 Transfer of all results of the SQL instruction to the variable system, prefix is e_,

                         e.g. the result column "itemcode" is stored in variable e_itemcode



                 If SQL query

                         Replacement of placeholders in query

                         Generate report

                 If current window (only beas form)

                         as per variable sys_printdw cache the corresponding DataWindow in $$tempdwcopy.psr,

                         reload and remove graphics.



                 Loop macrooutput

                         Variable query as per macooutput

                         If Crystal

                                 query missing parameters

                                 Set parameters

                                 Determine Excel path

                                 Determine filename (if fax/email, then "yyyy/mm/ddhhmmssffff")

                                 otherwise "preview" or as per specification

                                 Determine output type, if not specified

                                 Determine extension depending on format

                                 Preview? Depending on type and specification

                                 Crystal - disconnect for max. 4 seconds

                                 If printing: set printer driver, print - (the "retrieve" is only performed here)

                                 Otherwise export (the "retrieve" is performed here)

                         If Current Window, SQL query

                                 find directory, if EXCEL, then the Excel directory,

                                 otherwise the attachment directory.

                                 Determine output type, filename and extension.

                                 If printing: Set printer driver, print

                                 Otherwise export according to data type


                         If FAX

                                 Determine fax number

                                 If via SAP: generate and send SAP message

                                 If via Windows: send the document to Windows API (only specific data formats are permitted)

                         If email

                                 If subject starts with $, get text module, replace placeholders

                                 Determine email address

                                 CC1 and CC2 - where applicable also determine using script. Return script must be in variable "value".

                                 Determine attachments. Scripts must return attachments in variable "value".

                                 Open email window where necessary

                                 Send email depending on type.

                         If Novaline


                                 Transfer of Novaline parameters (novaline_param1,...5)

                                 Call of Novaline API.





                 end Loop macrooutput



         end Loop macrostep SQL Query


         reportscript_step_prinzkz() - but only if "set print ID" has been activated

         If Crystal: Disconnect


 end Loop macros

end LOOP SQL header query


reportscript_prinzkz() - as header function - but only if "set print ID" has been activated

Reset the variable environment, which has been saved in advance.

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