
Administration > Setup > Precalculation > Calculation schema > Display

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In this tab you can define how the Calculation should be displayed.


PATH: Administration > Setup > Precalculation > Calculation Schema > Open schema > "Display" tab


Window pk_schema_userformel.psr


The view is defined in the calculation schema in tab "Display". Up to 20 result fields are available. These results are always referring to the calculation schema.

Use this to have for example separate calculations per assembly.



Calculation schema – surcharge per item

Precalculation Concept of extended view


Define the following:




Header to be displayed

From Object

To show result from which calculation object


from which variable:
In the calculation object there is the column "save as" : there you can select  "Material overhead costs", "manufacturing overhead costs" or up to 4 freely definable fields. If for more than one calculation object this variable is selected, the value is summed up. This way, sums or values can be displayed, which are not incorporated in the result.


Subtract from column 1: In first column for example sales price, in columns right to it the price less various selectable costs. That way any intermediate result can be displayed.

Sum up: from the first column on everything is added. Using this object, from left to right the accumulated intermediate sum can be displayed.

Value from object

Only visible, if for "from object" a calculation row was selected. Here you can select, which value to be displayed from the selected row.


total surcharge of the row at marginal fixed or full costs
percentage of row surcharge at marginal fixed or full costs, as surcharge value or standard value material costs at at marginal fixed or full costs
L+M costs at marginal fixed or full costs
costs of goods sold at marginal fixed or full costs (for object "sales price" this is the stored sales price or the calculated sales price at full costs. At "contribution margin" the calculated value



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youtube Calculation per assembly webinar

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?display.htm