Display of cost elements

Administration > Setup > Production > Cost elements > Types of costs > Display of cost elements

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Cost elements are analyzed in the pre-calculation and cost analysis, in surcharges, for example under the BOMs and work sequences.


This area is the calculation template, which is defined in Setup > Calculation schema.


The default calculation schema called Dft is supplied with the Beas installation.

This template includes the material costs, external production costs, and production costs including surcharges. A division into cost elements is not considered here as these must be created separately.


To perform an analysis by cost elements, proceed as follows:

1.Create the cost element groups and cost elements.
2.Store the cost elements in resources.
3.Store the cost elements in the operation catalog or routings (these are transferred automatically when new resource entries are created).
4.Copy and edit the DFT calculation schema.
5.Remove the production costs object.
6.Insert the new object with the Surcharge type, surcharge on Manufacturing costs. Select Cost element in the reference field. Select the required cost element in the Cost element field.
7. Repeat this for all cost elements to be displayed. Alternatively this is also possible or even advisable with cost element groups.

Important: The Manufacturing costs object must be removed first, otherwise the costs is duplicated in the calculation.



Calculation schema

Calculation objects

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?darstellung_der_kostenarten.htm