UoM Group

Concepts > Unit Of Measurement > UoMGroup

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UoM Groups allow to define conversion factor between different units grouped in a UoM Group.

See SAP Unit of Measurement Groups.



In an Item you can define the UoM Group for the item.

Here SAP displays for all fields the UoM ID Field and the UoM Name field locked.




Beas is working with the UoM Name field. The UoM ID and the UoM Name must always be the same.

The Base Unit in UoM Group must be always the inventory UoM.


Beas does not support the SAP fields "Weight Factor" and "UDF factor" inside the UoM Group definition!


If a UoM Group is defined, you can only choose one of the UoM Codes defined in the UoM Group  in all different UoM fields (Sales, Purchase, Production and so on)

The system uses the UoM Factor defined in the UoM Group (Alt. qty / Base Qty)


Once a group was created, you can store prices in purchase and sales units. Beas only supports default purchase units.


For additional information see

Concept Unit of Measurement

Precalculation Pricing

Units of measure



Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?conceptuomgroup.htm