Lot size

Concepts > Lot size

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In Beas we have 2 different lot sizes:

Production lot size: Maximum lot size for production (inventory UoM)

Calculation lot size: The average lot size for price calculation, e.g. for using in batch calculation (inventory or production UoM)


See Item Master Data - Advanced Production


The lot size can be defined in Production UoM or inventory UoM.



- "Calculation lot size" is the default lot size for the calculation.

- "Production lot size" is the maximum lot size and is relevant for the calculation of fix costs.



The production lot size  affects:

- Setup times in a Bill of materials position.

- Fixed times (Quantity per = 0) in routing positions.

- Fixed surcharges.

- Purchase prices (special price list).

- Price per lot size


In sub-components the calculation uses the production lot size. If you activate Configuration wizard > Production > Create > Sub-assemblies: Consider production lot size, the system uses the production lot size defined in the sub-component, otherwise the lot size of the main item.



Routing position 10 Min setup time, 5 Min Mach+Labor time

Lot size calculation: 100, Production: 0 (ignore it)


Cost  = 10 Min + 100* 5 Min = 510 Minutes * cost rate



Lot size calculation: 100, Production: 30

In this case we must calculate the production 30 + 30 + 30 + 10 = 4 times.


Cost = 4*10 Min + 100*5 Min = 540 Minutes * cost rate




Working with sub assemblies

If consider Sub Assemblies is activated, the system split the subassemblies too


Example: Production 40 Pcs, Lot size 30 Pcs
Sub assembly is order related, Production lot size = 0 Pcs (no lot size)
In this case we working work order position related.


If order related sub assembly has own lot size, the system check this too - but always per production level from father item

Example : Lot size 20 Pcs


In this case the setup time will be multiplicated with 4 in the sub assembly


2. Example for order related sub assembly:

-Main and Subitem are order related,  the lotsize of the main item is 50
-We need the subassembly 2 times per main item, the lotsize of the Subitem is 90
-We want to produce 140 Units of the main item



-We need to produce 3 lots for Mainitem (50 + 50 + 40)
-For the first and second lot of the mainitem we need 2 lots of the subitem (90 + 10)
-For the last lot of the mainitem we need 1 lot of the subitem (80)


Stock related

if Sub assembly is stock related, then the sub assembly ignore the lot size from father assembly


if stock related sub assembly has own lot size, then the system use it without relation of lot size of father item.


This is working differently than in Beas 2020.11 or older. If you need the old functionality, you can change this in a user event. See Script documentation.


Work order

If the work order is created by "Sales order to Production order", Beas Object, Beas Service Layer or Integration Hub, the system automatically checks the production lot size on main level and in sub-level only if you activate Configuration wizard > Production > Create > Sub-assemblies: Consider production lot size.


Note: If you activate "Consider Lot size production", the calculation in MRP can take longer.



youtube Working with Lots size

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?concept_lotsize.htm