Cockpit Configuring Queries

Installation Instructions > Cockpit Dashboards & Kpi's for HANA > Cockpit Configuring Queries

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In this section you can find instructions on how to create Queries for SAP Business One Cockpit for HANA based on Data from the module

(For more information about specific queries for use with Data you can check out this page: Cockpit Beas Queries)


Creating a new Queries Category


1.        Access the Query Manager window by clicking on the menu: Tools > Queries > Query Manager.




2.        Click on the button "Manage Categories" and on the "Create/Edit Categories" window write the new "Beas_Queries" category and check on the authorization group of preference.

 Finally, click  the "Add" button.



Creating a Query


1.        Go to Tools > Queries > Query Generator.




2.        On the "Query Generator" window, add the clauses and the statements of the wanted query on the correspondent field and click on the button "Execute".




3.        On the "Query Preview" window click on the "Save as" button. In the "Save Query" window you can select a name of preference and select the new "Beas_Queries" categories by clicking on it.

 Finally, click on the "Save" button.



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