Beas logon

The logon process to beas is as follows:

If you start beas outside SAP B1 (e.g. as Desktop Terminal), you need to enter login information.


This is required at

- initial installation

- changing server settings


In login screen select "Change Company"


Select "Options" in the right below:

Settings are not available for connecting Beas to the database server:







Server area settings


Server name or IP-address need to match the entry in System Landscape Directory (SLD).

MSSQL: Enter Name/IP-address

HANA: Enter Name/IP-address and Port Example: HANAB2:30015

DB User

Database User

DB Password

Database User Password

Trusted connection

Use trusted connection to SQL Server. In this case DB User and DB Password is protected. Use this if all windows users have access to the SQL Server.





Settings for access of Data-API



User: Define the Standard user, e.g. for Database Test


Password: Define the Password for Standard user


SDL Server: Define the License server and port Beas 2020.02


License Server: Only for compatibility. Use it only, if SDL connection not working.


Test: check if connection is working

Save and Close: Save settings and close window

Repair and Test: only for SAP Versions < 9.2: Delete broken DI API files.

Test and Save

Save current settings

Attention: Press this button after every change!

hmtoggle_plus1 Note beas 9.2 02 and older

Test settings and try to access. Reading and writing access needs to be granted to folder C:\Program Files (x86)\beas software\beas\beas.ini  and

For more information on beas.ini see beas.ini

The settings will be saved in %programdata%\beas\beas.ini from beas 9.2 PL: 03. Extended authorizations are no more necessary.


hmtoggle_plus1Compatibility options

If you click 5 times on the text "Server connection setup", the system displays additional settings.

Note: These settings are in maintenance. Don't use this for new installations.





Global settings
Server range

Define Login Areas.


Option Password

Protect settings with a password. Without a password, settings can be changed at any time.


Define which Databases are visible.
Empty=all Databases
otherwise DatabaseName;DatabaseName -> display only Database, which is defined in this field.

Local settings

Server range

Define Visibility of Server areas for this station. Not supported in the future.

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