History Batch Split / Batch Transfer

Inventory > Inventory transactions > Batch transfer > History

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In Batch Transfer / Split Batches you can open the history log via right mouse click.

In this window you see all created split/transfer documents with all details.


PATH:  Inventory > Inventory transactions > Batch transfer > History button.


Window mw_batchnum_transfer_historie.psr


Double-click or use the "Edit" button to open the created document.

Beas creates an issue and receipt document in the background.


In this document you see an overview of the complete transaction process and you can open the created issue and receipt document.

PATH:  Inventory > Inventory transactions > Batch transfer > "History" button > double-click/Open an entry in the list.


Window mw_batchnum_transfer_historie_detail.psr

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?batchhistory.htm