UoM of item

Inventory > Item master > Master Data tab > General > UoM of item 

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Item: Unit of measure


PATH: Inventory > Item structure/Item report > Double-click an item >  Item master data for XXX > Master Data tab > General tab > double-click "Unit bom" yellow arrow.


In this window you can define all UoM and factors for this item.

Note: If UoM Group is defined, you can only choose the UoM which was defined in the UoM Group.


Window artikel_edit_unit.psr




Inventory UoM

Unit in which the item is stored

Production UoM

Unit in which the item is withdrawn for production

Inventory counting UoM

Unit for stocktaking

Sales unit

Unit for item sales

Item per sales unit

Quantity of items per sales unit

Packaging Uom

Packaging unit of measure for selling this item

Qty per packaging uom

Quantity of items per packaging uom at sales

Purchasing unit

Unit in which the item is purchased

Item per purchase unit

Quantity of items per purchase uom

Packaging Uom

Packaging unit of measure for purchasing this item

Qty per packaging uom

Quantity of items per packaging uom at purchase


See Concept of UoM


Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?artikel_edit_unit.htm