
Administration > System Initialization > General settings > Display

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Window beasgui_sbo.psr


Beas does not support every setting as SAP Business One.

You can find all display-related information in Administration > System Initialization > General Settings > Display.




Beas does not support all SAP Business One languages. See the language table of Beas to set up which language is to be used.

See Languages

For document printing there are extended features available.


Date- and time format

Skin Style

Define Skinstyle for SAP Business One and Beas if Beas started inside SAP Business One

If you want to define the skin style for Beas standalone, use : Skin style Configuration wizard



Beas inside SAP Business One


Beas will always use the Skinstyle which was defined in SAP Business One General settings.

All Skin styles are supported (SAP 10.0, Beas 2020.03)


Beas outside SAP Business One


In the Configuration wizard you can choose one of all available skin styles of MSSQL and HANA Version.

The following skin styles are available:


Example beas Standalone



SAP Signature


Golden Thread




Belize Deep




Outside SAP Business One Beas cannot use the framework of  SAP Business One. The Fiori Dashboard and B1UP Dashboard are not available.

Beas only uses the color schema.
Icons are not the same as in SAP Business One


Beas uses its own User interface and not SAP Business One components



See: Skin style Configuration wizzard


Currently not supported.

Default Length UoM

Currently not supported.

Default LWeight UoM

Currently not supported.

Number of rows in screens with lists

Option not supported. Use the setting in Configuration wizard – System.

Time Format


Beas does not support time fields, only date time fields. If a date time field has the focus, Beas always uses the Windows Regional setting.

Date Format


Internal Dap Date Id:

1 = dd/mm/yyyy

2 = mm/dd/yy

3 = mm/dd/yyyy

4 = yyyy/mm/dd

5 = dd/mmmm/yyyy

>5 = dd/mm/yy


dd = Day of month with 2 digits

mm = Month 01 – 12

mmmm = January/February

yy = Year 2 digits

yyyyy = Year 4 digits


Attention: if a date field has the focus, beas always uses the Windows regional settings.

Date Separator


Attention: if a date field has the focus, Beas always uses the Windows regional settings.

No. of Character in Month

If you define "DD/Month/YYYY", you can define count of Character.

Attention: Beas supports 3 Characters or complete name of Month. 4 or other count of Characters is not supported.

Ext. Image Processing

Not supported.

No. of Rows in "List of" Windows

Not supported. You can set this in Configuration Wizard – System.

Account segment separator

Account segment separator is not supported in Beas – view. The  "-" (hyphen) is always used as a separator.

Default UI Template

Not supported.


Choose from List Preferences



Enable SAP Business One Suggest

Not supported

Text search

Not supported. See Configuration Wizard – System





Decimal places (0...6)

Beas supports own units of measure. The number of decimals per unit can be set up separately. "quantity" units are affected but this only refers to display, not to rounding.


Beas always works with 6 digits. All units except quantities are displayed with the number of digits set up in SAP Business One. It is always calculated with 6 digits.


All values, transferred to SAP Business One are rounded by SAP Business One – rules.


See units of measure



Option not supported by Beas. Windows regional settings are used.

For document printing the separator can be set up per country.


Date- and time format

Separator for thousand

Option not supported. See "separators".

Display currency on the right side

Option not supported in Beas – views.

Exchange Rate Posting


Determines the display of exchange rates in SAP Business One. The exchange rate values are always saved in the system according to the direct rate. The indirect rate is for display use only.

This setting affects the calculation that you use to enter the exchange rates in the "Exchange Rates and Indexes" window.

Select "Direct" to display the exchange rate according to the local currency (that is, the local currency price of one unit of a foreign currency).
Select "Indirect" to display the exchange rate according to the foreign currency (that is, the foreign currency price of one unit of a local currency).

Search Preferences

Enable Case Sensitive Search

Only Hana

SAP Business One windows:

Select this checkbox to take letter cases into account for all search criteria. For example, if you specify "c01" as the selection criterion, the system will search only for "c01", but not "C01". For more information,

Beas Service Layer: Does not support this. It is always disabled.

Beas WEB APPs 2.1: Use Beas Service Layer. It is always disabled.

Beas Desktop front end: Ignore flag. It is always disabled.

Most fields ignore Case sensitive. But not all fields.

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?anzeige.htm