
Administration > System Initialization > Report settings > Macros > Preview BEAS form

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A list of stored macros for the current window is displayed. If it is an SAP Business One window the selection is displayed only in case that Beas was not disabled,. see macros.

If it is a Beas window, the selection "preview" is displayed.  If no macro is assigned, the preview of the current window is shown. For more information on Macro Settings refer to Report Settings.



The preview is only active in Beas windows. The current window is displayed in a preview function, before printing or exporting adaptations can be made. It can be saved as a file or sent via email. Several data types are supported. See Output Formats .


Various Beas windows contain multiple forms, partially nested. For example the item master. In the preview only one form will be displayed. The form which got the focus is automatically selected.




The following options are available:




Content is reduced or enlarged, then printed accordingly.


To switch between portrait and landscape.


Name of the printer driver to be used for printing.


Print current view as is.

Column width

You can use the mouse to change the column widths for the printout.

Column order

By clicking on the title you can change the order via Drag&Drop.

Selection field "export"

Export format for buttons Export and Email. See Output Formats.

Button Export

Saves the view in the selected format.


Note: To export to PDF, install the Ghostscript driver first.

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