Warehouse Management

Inventory > Warehouse Management

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In warehouse management the following functions are available:

- Various warehouse reports

- Administration of bin locations

- Administration of extended warehouse settings.


Beas support different Bin Managements


SAP Bin Warehouse management

Beas Bin Warehouse management

WMS Bin Warehouse management


Beas Bin Warehouse management was created for SAP Version before SAP integrated an own Bin Warehouse solution.

For all new installations: Use SAP Bin Warehouse management


SAP Bin Warehouse management is supported with Beas 9.3 PL 2.

hmtoggle_plus1Current not all functions supported. More informations:

Beas  supports SAP Bin Warehouse Management



- if you want to use the Default Warehouse, do not fill the bin location

- all restrictions are supported, which supported by SAP DI-API
 In dropdown and list views the following restrictions supported:

 "Inactive" and "Transaction Restriction" for
 * All Transactions

 * Inbound Transactions

 * Outbound Transactions

 Transfer is an In- and Outbound transaction.

- No support of "maximum stock" or "minimum stock per Bin location


Sorting in drop-down and list views:

- always by Alternative Sort Code


Backflush, Pre-Assign Functions:

- no support from any Rules


Allocation: Target warehouse: SAP Bin Warehouses are not supported.
Picking apps Terminal 2.1: SAP Bin Locations are not supported.


Drop-down by weight or Volume is not supported.

SAP Bin Barcode is not supported.

Receiving Bin Location is not supported.


Additional functions do not support SAP bin location:

Beas inventory  (all types)

Beas batch split





Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202102/index.html?lagerplatzverwaltung.htm