Database Test

Administration > Utility programs > Database Test

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PATH: Administration > Utilities > Database test.

The following functions are available under database test:



Window system_dbtest.psr




View currently logged in users

Displays which users are currently logged on to the SQL database server.

Note: It is not available in HANA version.

Data check,

Import standard settings (short test) (column, reports, language)

The content of the tables is checked to determine whether the relevant settings or contents are correct. This test is performed automatically during an upgrade and can also be started via Administration Utility programs > Data Check. For more information, see Data Check.

Furthermore, defaults as column settings, standard reports, current Terminal WEB-version are imported. User-specific settings are not affected by this.

Database: Check table

Another component of the upgrade or setup process. The system checks whether the tables and UDFs used by Beas are present.

Missing tables or UDFs are automatically created.

Beas does not work with UDTs (SAP Business One User Defined Tables), but instead creates all tables directly with the prefix "beas_" an.

If Beas tables have been extended manually, the extension is NOT removed.


The structure of all tables is defined in the db.ini file.

If you have created a customer-specific db.ini of your own and stored this in the project directory, this will also be executed during the database test. see Customer-specific adaptations


After a SAP Business One database test (upgrade) or a change to the data structure (creation of further UDFs in SAP), the Beas database test must be performed so that the Beas tables can be adapted.


"Delete unused columns" option

Some table columns are not longer needed as they have been replaced by new columns and are no longer supported by Beas . If the option is set, all table columns previously supported by Beas and now no longer needed are removed.



Configuration of db.ini see Structure of the db.ini

For database documentation see Documentation

Archive data

Call up Data archive

HANA: conversion

(Only in MSSQL Version)

Make DB convertible using HANA Migration tool:

Convert all Table and Column Names to the correct HANA-compatible variant.


If you want to convert your MSSQL – Database to HANA, preparations are necessary.

Please start this function before migration. This function deletes some indexes and constrains.


Necessary steps:

1. Start this function.

2. Read SAP documentation on migration and start migration.

3. Check if all tables are on HANA side.

4. Download latest Beas version and install it.

5. Start Beas and start the "Database Test"  and "Check table" functions.

6. Check if everything is working as intended.



We cannot guarantee that the conversion will work correctly.

Perform a deep test before you start with the life system.

Check configuration, accounting and related areas. Check the complete work flow and all customizations.


Customizations, Reports, Templates

These are not always HANA-compatible. Convert all SQL statements in customizations in the HANA Version and test every customization.

Custom Crystal reports for MSSQL are not compatible with HANA.

a) Define correct connection to the HANA Server.

b) Check the SQL statements. All statements should be HANA-conform.

c) Templates are not compatible after migration, user must create query to HANA or recreate them.

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