Automatic shift scheduling

Human Resources > Process information > Automatic shift determination

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Because of the login time, Beas can schedule the shift automatically. The shift definition must therefore determine for which login period is to be used.




Morning shift: 7-15 h, Detection 4-10 h

Evening shift: 15-20 h, Detection 10-18 h

Night shift: 20-7 h, Detection 18-4 h


It is important that 24 hours are always covered with the detection. If someone logs on at 10:15 h, it is assumed that he wants to log on to the evening shift.

If a person logs on and off for a break, shift detection always refers to the first clock in. This prevents a person from accidentally slipping into a wrong shift. Special scenario:


Different shift models:


In case of different shift models, a definition in personnel is required specifying which shifts should be considered for automatic detection. This is done under Personnel / Shift model where up to 6 shift types can be entered.


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