Generate item

Administration > Setup > Inventory > Generate Item Overview > Generate item

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When creating a new item, Beas can generate the item number automatically, use any item as template and also predefine the description as well as any additional fields. Item generation becomes active during new item creation and copying of items. In this window it is possible to define all rules.

PATH: Administration > Setup > Inventory > Generate item >"Add" function.


You can use it for:

- Definition of Templates

- Item Number generation


Needed Access: Generate Item (SYSARTGEN)


See Create new items


Window artikel_artgen_edit






If a group is defined, Beas will display the field "Group" in item creation window


Window artikel_new.psr


You can use this generate an item. Together with "Selection" it is possible to perform a 2 level item generation


You can select an existing group or you can insert a new group directly




Define the second level of item generation

It is automatically activated if a group has more than one selection. In this case, it is possible to make a selection for the chosen Group



Hardware -> Computer

Hardware -> Printer

Software -> Office
Software -> Games


A further description of the selection can be entered. Upon creating a new item, the selection is displayed in brackets, followed by the designation.

Change item code default?

Check box defines if it is allowed to change the itemcode.

Source item

You can select a source item to use as default (as template).


Type of description:

- like source item

- manual input at new creation

- automatic generation





Item number and description

Determines structure of item number and description.

Start and End script

You can deposit a script which will be executed at selection, start and end of item creation. You can use it to predefine the description or item number (temporarily saved in a variable).


Item number and description tab



Item Number




Creates an item number with ABC-[time], ABC-100520


AA0<select CAST(Coalesce(max(CAST(substring("ItemCode",4,8) AS decimal(10,0))),0)+1 AS varchar(8)) from "OITM" where substring("ItemCode",1,3)='AA0'  and Length("ItemCode")=8%,padr 0=5>

creates item number AA000001, AA000002, ...


Also possible: in tab Start and end script in field "script at selection" build up the item number in advance with beas-script select CAST(Coalesce(max(CAST(substring("ItemCode",4,8) AS decimal(10,0))),0)+1 AS varchar(8)) from "OITM" where substring("ItemCode",1,3)='AA0'




enter variable in field item number





for item generation:

Item number "A00" + an 8-digit consecutive number should be generated:


AA0<select CAST(Coalesce(max(CAST(substring("ItemCode",4,8) AS decimal(10,0))),0)+1 AS varchar(8)) from "OITM" where substring("ItemCode",1,3)='AA0' and Length("ItemCode")=8%,padr 0=5>



hello world à In description field this text would be entered.


Start and End script tab



Script at selection

You can enter a beas script to be executed at selection of new item creation. In this way, item number or description can be generated in advance. To cancel the process: return false.



Reading and writing access on the variables:

itemcode_from      from which the item is copied

itemcode_to        target item number



The item number is changed. Jump back by return false to cancel the process.


The created item is in variable itemcode_to


After copying has finished, it jumps back with return false having no effect.



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