help-zahnradCost calculation procedure

Financials > Business Performance > Cost Calculate > Cost calculation procedure

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The table below details the steps of cost calculation procedure.


Step 1

Deletion of old monthly values.

Step 2

Evaluation of distribution rates. This rate corresponds to the share of the cost center distributed according to the key master data record on 'Total amount distributed' and/or according to the total amount of the key to be allocated.

Step 3

Booking of financial accounting, wages and payroll accounting data records from the “Monthly values” subroutine. The amounts are allocated to a cost element. The master data record "Cost element" contains the data that determine if the costs are to be distributed via a key or posted directly.



All amounts are first totaled for each cost element. In the next step the distribution is completed.

Step 4

Distribution of the cost elements to the cost centers Beas Business performance reads the distribution percentage rates from the 'Distribution rates' subroutine. Then the amount to be distributed is calculated and booked to the cost centers which are defined under “Cost elements -> Cost centers”.

Step 5

Calculation of the cost rate before distribution.

Step 6

Pre-distribution and distribution of the cost centers. All processes are taken from the subroutine "(Pre-) distribution cost centers-> Cost centers". Beas Business performance reads the (pre-) distribution rates from the “Distribution key” subroutine, values the amount to be allocated and reports this amount

Step 7

Calculation of the total cost rates.

Previously, in the subroutine “Cost centers” you specified whether a surcharge rate and/or cost rate is to be calculated for the given cost center.

Step 8

Determining the variation of the calculation of the work and machine hourly rate

Excess or shortage of cost = volume dependent variation.



Sum of all machines belonging to this cost center (work and machine hourly rates from the subroutine “Calculation of machine hourly rates” weighted with the actual hours) - Actual total costs of the cost center according to the cost center sheet in each case to full and marginal costs

Step 9

Report of the cost center and cost center groups by summing up the respective values of the positions.

Step 10

Output error log.

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