Edit documents

Inventory > Item master > Master Data tab > Item version > Documents > Edit documents

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In this window you can describe/edit and attach a document to an Item Version.


PATH: Item master data for XXX > Master data tab > header: double-click "I-Version" yellow arrow > Documents button > Open/Add.


Window documents_browse.psr


Field descriptions




Text or file.


Free short text to describe the document


Add a category to the document and click OK - it can be selected from the dropdown at later use.


Version number


Activate check box to release version

Released by

Release Date

The date when the release was done.


Browse the file to attach


User-defined fields

Execution tab

View Type

- Shell:  The file can be viewed using the program associated with it as default in the system (similar to double-clicking in a file browser).

- Text: The system opens an internal window to show the text file.

- Bitmap Viewer: The system opens the image with a bitmap viewer.

- Script: execute this as a BeasScript file.

View Script

When Script view type is selected, this field displays the actual script.

File name

File name

Text tab

You add further text in this tab.


New Version: A pop-up window is displayed prompting: "Do you want to create a new version?". If you click yes, another version of the document is stored for this version.
Show: Open the system_textedit window to store a text or open the file based on the "View Type" setting (see field description above).


Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202402/index.html?versiondocumentedit.htm