Document Translate

Print is in the document language (according to SBO-document setup)


Item name and longname is printed in article language (can be set at the business partner). If here is no entry the printing is in document language.


Translated are

1. all text fields from German to the document language if the object name ends with _t

2. all text fields from English to document language (over German) if the object name ends with _et

3. all text fields which end with _tr ( translate ) are translated with the translation table which is set to the text field "translate"



Best translation

You can get the best translation if you work with the text field "translate" and the text object names end with  _tr.


Structure of the text object "translate"



item number=de:Artikel,fr:...

That is the way to translate from any language to any language.


Numeral- und Date formatting

Numerals and date can be defined in SAP at Administration / Definition / Generally / languages / expanded.

if there are different formats for a SBO-language you have to add a new language in SBO, e. g. DES for Deutsch-Schweiz (German Suisse). You can also set the format at "Expanded". At the business partner it the setting becomes "Deutsch-Schweiz" (German Suisse) instead of German.