
Transaction Documents are every document types, which change the stock, Quotations or Orders.


Syntax is always the same with only small differences.


POST Commands

In this Object you can define BatchNumbers, SerialNumbers and BinLocations in one line

Example: Create Receipt for RM_B on bin managed warehouse "BW" on BinCode "001001", BatchNumber BT-014"


let"receipt",{"DocumentLines": [
  {"ItemCode": "RM_B",
   "Quantity":2.53 }


Return Value





Working with BatchNumbers and SerialNumbers

The System automatically makes a grouping by ItemCode/WareHouse and allocate all BatchNumbers, SerialNumbers and Locations.

However, you can use Property BatchNumbers or SerialNumbers or BinLocations to define this separately.



"BatchNumbers": [

  {"DistNumber": "O0033", "Quantity":10},

   {"DistNumber": "O0023", "Quantity":5}



Beas creates a line for ItemCode A001 and inserts DistNumber O0033.
After this it will copy the line and insert the Information from Second BatchNumbers.

You can define all Batch/Serial/ BinLocation information in the SubObject. It simulates only this sub-object, which, in reality does not exist.

Attention: Always insert Quantity 1 if you are working with Serial numbers.


UDF Fields

UDF fields are supported on line level. No support on Batch Level or Bin location Level.  

In SAP the system must declare the Values from UDF fields always as String. Beas always converts the Value to String automatically.

If you have a UDF-Number field and you must save a value with decimal places, the converting can produce problems (regional setting problem). In this case send the Number as string

Wrong: "U_myQuantityField":3.34

Correct: "U_myQuantityField":"3.34"