


Call this if you need to add Buttons to a form.

This command will be automatically generated be used via the Editor ( Strg+N+B ) in the Area "Buttons"


This command will only be used if you create new Forms. For Customer specific adjustments you should use create=button.

addbutton can only be uses inside BEAS Environment.





Add Button / Menutext. The Engine will control whether Menu and or Buttonname will be visualized and if any Tool Entry exists.

But you still can control anything via Script.



help-hinweisPlease just use only the Editor ( Strg+N+B) to create Buttons. It will take care about the syntax and so on.



Buttons will be visualized on the lower panel of a form. Also you can access the Buttons with a Right Mouse Button click inside the form.

If you do not define a Button text than you only have a Right Mouse Button menu but no Button.


The order of the Buttons depends on the Form Type. The Button definition will be save into the init sequence of the Form.

In there you can change the order of the Buttons.



design=button=<name>                Buttonname

design=menutext=<name>        Menüname


You must not use "=" inside a command. If you want to use "=" inside a command than you have to use " ³ " (alt+3) instead.

For Carriage Return use "^"


Standard Commands:

new:, del:, search:, copy:, print:, edit:, report:, skip:, eingabe:

and more. see menu



Add "New" Function:



Example: Add a Button "Print" with Button Text "&Print" and MenuText "&Print" with a following Message.

addbutton=Mein Befehl=print^meldung³Druck ok=design=button=&Print^design=menutext=&Print


Add Buttons with Authorization

If you just want to add a Button if you the user have full rights than use:



If you just want to add a Button if you the user have only "read" rights than use:
