
Administration > Setup > Inventory > Units of measure > UoMNames

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Inventory UoM

For storing goods and counting at inventory and display in inventory history

(Field OITM.InvNtryUom)

Production UoM


Sales UoM

Used for offers, customer orders, delivery note, invoice and all other documents in area Sales.

(Field OITM.SalUnitMsr)

Purchasing UoM

Used for purchases, delivery, purchase invoices.

(Field OITM.BuyUnitMsr)

Inventory Counting UoM

Unit for stock counting. Currently not supported by Beas.

(Field OITM.CntUnitMsr)

Input UoM

In the Bill of materials window you can define an own UoM.

From  this Unit the system calculates the production UoM and from this the inventory UoM.

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202402/index.html?uomnames.htm